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- Strategic Plan (2025-2030): Fostering Greatness
- Reflection
- Principal's Message
- Important information coming home today.
- Lunch Orders
- LCFC Come & Try
- School Pick Up - Campbell Street
- 2025 Term Dates
- Kinder 2026 - Expressions of Interest
- Setup for Success Program
- Update of Parent Contact Details
- Hats Reminder
- Community News
- Parish Bulletin
- Upcoming Events
Welcome back to the 2025 school year! The six-week summer holiday period has drawn to a close, and as we return to school with fresh uniforms, new class placements, and the excitement of what lies ahead, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the rhythm of these past weeks. For many families, summer holidays are seen as an opportunity to fill the elusive "happiness bucket" by doing—an endless carousel of holidays, play dates, activities, and adventures. These are, of course, wonderful and memorable experiences. Yet, there’s a hidden danger in the relentless pace with which we often approach this time.
Thich Nhat Hanh, the Buddhist teacher and author, offers a counterpoint to our modern tendency for constant busyness. He flips the well-known phrase, “Don’t just sit there, do something!” on its head, instead urging us: “Don’t just do something, sit there!”. This simple wisdom is a gentle reminder of the importance of simply being. As we prepare our children for their new adventures this year, it’s worth considering: Do we focus too much on doing happiness rather than being happy?
When we ask parents what they want for their child’s future, the answer is rarely tied to achievements, wealth, or accolades. Overwhelmingly, the response is, “I just want them to be happy.” But therein lies the key: happiness is not something we do. We are human beings, not human doings.
As the school year begins, life inevitably resumes its busy tempo. There are school routines, work schedules, extracurricular activities, and a seemingly endless list of responsibilities. Yet, amidst the hustle, I encourage us all to carve out sacred spaces—moments of stillness to pause, reflect, and simply be. This could mean a quiet family dinner, a walk together after school, or even a few minutes of shared silence before bedtime. These are the moments where we can model the art of being for our children and, in turn, nourish their wellbeing.
After all, true happiness doesn’t come from endless doing. It is found in the still, quiet moments when we allow ourselves to simply be.
Let us make this year not just about achievement and activity, but about fostering a sense of balance and presence, for ourselves and our children.
Wishing you all a joyful and mindful start to 2025!
Mr Casimir Douglas
Monday 27th January, 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
Grace to you and peace. A warm welcome to the 2025 school year to all members of the St Thomas More's Catholic School community, whether this is your first year as a Kinder family, or you've been on staff for over 25 years, then we're excited to welcome you to the learning journey—we look forward to a year of growth, achievement and joy!
Today, our school community gathered in the Piazza for our Welcome Assembly, marking the official start of the 2025 school year. It was a wonderful opportunity to come together in faith, celebration and unity, as we embarked on this year’s learning journey.
Our assembly began with prayer and a reading from the Gospel, grounding us in the values that guide our community. A highlight of the gathering was the presentation of the Leadership Blazers to our School Captains—a symbol of their commitment to serving and inspiring their peers.
Congratulations again to the following Grade 6 students on their appointment to the role of School Captain for the 2025 school year:
- Eva LewisI was also delighted to introduce our students to our new Positive Behaviour Support Acknowledgement & Reward system, designed to affirm and encourage positive choices (more on this below).
We concluded the assembly by standing together to sing Advance Australia Fair, a fitting way to honour our shared commitment to respect, responsbility, learning and community in the year ahead.
At St Thomas More’s Catholic School, we believe that positive behaviour should be recognised, encouraged, and celebrated. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our PBS Acknowledgement & Rewards System—a fun and structured way to support our students in making respectful, responsible, and engaged choices every day.
Why PBS?
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is more than just a program—it’s a whole-school approach to building a culture where students feel valued, motivated, and empowered to do their best. Research tells us that when students are recognised for positive behaviour, they’re more likely to continue making great choices. Our PBS system helps us reinforce the behaviours we want to see, ensuring our school remains a safe, respectful, and inspiring place to learn.
How do the tokens work?
Every time a student demonstrates our school’s key expectations—Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Learner—they may receive a PBS Token from their teacher or a staff member. These tokens come in three different colours, each representing one of our school-wide values.
When a student earns a token, they place it in their House Jar in their classroom. Every two weeks, House Captains collect and count the tokens, adding them to the Giant House Jars in the school office. Tokens are then tallied, and at the end of each term, the House with the most tokens wins the prestigious House Cup and a special House Reward Experience!
Additionally, individual classes are working toward their own goals! Classes earn Class Rewards at different token milestones, unlocking fun activities such as board game afternoons, comfy clothes days, or movie sessions.
What if my child brings a token home?
If your child proudly presents a PBS Token at home—fantastic! That means they’ve done something great! However, we kindly ask that you ensure the token is returned to school the next day. Every single token contributes to their House’s total, and each one counts toward winning the House Cup! By reminding your child to place it in their class’s House Jar, you’re helping them understand the value of working together as a team.
We encourage you to talk to your child about the PBS system—ask them about their tokens, celebrate their achievements, and reinforce the importance of positive behaviour both at school and at home. With your support, we can make this initiative a success and create an environment where positive choices lead to positive rewards!
Thank you for being part of our PBS journey—we can’t wait to see our students shine this year!
The highly anticipated Swimming Carnival for our Grade 3-6 students is happening next Wednesday 12th February at the Riverside Swimming Pool!
This is always one of the most exciting events on the school calendar—a day filled with friendly competition, House spirit, and opportunities for students to strengthen friendships while making memories under the summer sun. It’s not just about swimming fast but showing courage, teamwork, and enthusiasm in every event.
A few reminders for our students: be SunSmart, stay hydrated, participate with energy, support your peers, and dive into new experiences. Growth happens when you step outside your comfort zone, and that’s where the fun begins!
For parents attending the carnival: please ensure you have read today’s important letter sent via Compass. It includes essential details about parent engagement and expectations for the day to ensure a safe and positive event for everyone.
Let’s make this an unforgettable day of fun, growth, and House pride. See you poolside!
As per previous correspondence, the Community Welcome Evening is being held on Monday 17th February from 5:00pm – 7:00pm in the Kitchen Garden.
Additionally, from 5:00pm-5:30pm, we will be holding open classrooms as an opportunity for parents to view their child's learning environment and meet their child's classroom teacher. There will be no formal presentations, no prepared speeches, and no new or additional information to be shared on this evening. Just simply an opportunity for parents to briefly meet their child's teacher and visit their child’s learning space.
Please use the QR code below to RSVP for the event by next Friday 14th February.
May the grace of Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
God bless,
Mr Casimir Douglas
Important information coming home today.
Today we will be sending home an A4 size laminated page with your child's name on it.
We ask that parents or family members who are collecting children in a car at Abbott Street or Campbell Street please display this name label in front of their sun visor so that it is clearly visible through the front window.
This will allow our staff to identify who you are collecting and call them to the pick-up zone for you.
Additionally, please stay in your car and ensure that you move your car to the front of the pick-up zone so that others can pull in behind you.
We hope that this will make pick-up time safer and more efficient.
Allison Cornish
Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any queries.
School Pick Up - Campbell Street
We remind families that the Campbell Street pick up is for students with no siblings at the school (except for Kinder students who are all picked up on Abbott Street). The pick up zone on Campbell Street is for a very brief pick up or drop off. You will be asked to do a lap around the block if your child has not yet come out of class. This pick up area is supervised by a teacher until 3:15pm.
The Abbott Street pick up area is for all other students including bus travellers and is supervised until 3:30pm.
Please stay with your car if in the pick up zone.
If you need to collect your child after 3:30pm, then please contact CatholicCare Tasmania to organise after school care.
Our Setup for Success Program, "Joeys" will recommence on Tuesday, 18th February 2025 at 9am in our Josephite Hall.
Update of Parent Contact Details
A reminder for parents to please update any change of details on Compass e.g. contact numbers, address and email address.
Students are required to wear hats outdoors during Term 1. Please ensure that your child's hat is packed in their school bag.
Gr 3-6 Launceston Tennis International
All day |
Set up for Success/Joeys
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Recurring event |
P&F Meeting
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM |
Grade 6 Camp 2025
26 Feb 2025 - 28 Feb 2025 |
Board meeting
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Set up for Success/Joeys
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Recurring event |
Shrove Tuesday
All day |
8 Hour Day (Public Holiday)
All day |
Set up for Success/Joeys
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Recurring event |
Set up for Success/Joeys
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Recurring event |
Board meeting
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Set up for Success/Joeys
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Recurring event |