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The vision for St Thomas More's Catholic School is to be a vibrant, positive, and energetic learning community, where every child is valued, and where relationships, the Gospel, and our Josephite charism are at the heart of every aspect of our educational program.
We have high expectations for student learning and student behaviour, and aim to support our students to grow into independent and confident learners, but community-minded contributors to society.
Students are invited into an intimate relationship with Christ. We know we have achieved this goal when our students smile when they arrive at school, and are still smiling when they leave.
Two weeks ago, I penned a reflection on the theme of our upcoming Strategic Plan (2025-2030): Fostering Greatness. As I wrote; this theme, this goal, this ambition, this aim, the mission for our students is bold and ambitious. But that does not make it unachievable, or a mountain too monstrous to climb. Greatness is not unachievable. A significant influence on the decision to set greatness as the benchmark for our students is contemporary literature on learning and leadership. In his book, Hidden Potential, author Adam Grant delves into the untapped abilities that lie within each of us and challenges the traditional belief that talent is a fixed trait.
He argues that greatness isn’t a gift reserved for a select few but something that can be nurtured and developed in everyone. Grant’s insights are particularly relevant to our mission of Fostering Greatness, not just academically, but in every aspect of a student’s life.
Hidden Potential is filled with examples of people who defied expectations by focusing on effort, persistence, and learning from failure. Rather than idolising the “genius” narrative, Grant shows that success often comes from small, consistent actions that compound over time. This message resonates deeply in a school environment where students are constantly encouraged to strive for improvement, not perfection. Whether it’s in the classroom or on the playground, we see daily examples of how perseverance leads to growth, even in the face of challenges.
The most tangible example of how these small incremental improvements are experienced by students is the ‘Aha Moment’. Every teacher has hundreds of stories of the ‘Aha Moment’. In many respects it is the most immediate and visible feedback that your teaching practice is impacting student learning. It is the moment, when you are explaining a concept to a student, usually a concept with which they have been struggling to understand, and as you patiently and logically lead them through the concept again, all of sudden with such excitement and energy the child will usually announce: “Aha! I get it!” Then even if you wanted to stay and check that they really did understand, the student will shoo you away, whilst they commence independently and high levels of engagement and enthusiasm, sink their teeth into their learning with renewed invigoration to test their new found ability. This is what made me fall in love with teaching, and what made me fall in love with learning. It is these ‘Aha Moments’ that enable our children to understand their potential, and to experience their own greatness, capacity for achievement, and capacity for learning.
But it takes much more than one singular conversation, intervention, or re-teaching to create opportunities for epiphanies in our students’ learning experiences. One of Grant’s key arguments is that systems of support—teachers, parents, and mentors—play a vital role in helping individuals realise their potential. The right environment can transform how a child approaches learning. When they are surrounded by people who encourage effort over innate ability, they are more likely to take risks, embrace challenges, and ultimately grow. As educators, this aligns perfectly with the values we promote in our Catholic school community—faith, support, and the belief that each child is uniquely gifted by God.
For parents in our community, Hidden Potential offers valuable guidance. Grant encourages us to shift our focus from praising intelligence or talent to recognising effort, persistence, and growth. When we emphasise these qualities at home, we help our children build resilience and a mindset geared towards lifelong learning. Just as in faith, where our journey is one of continuous growth, so too should we approach the development of our children’s potential—with patience, encouragement, and belief in their ability to achieve great things through dedication and effort.
In nurturing these qualities, we help unlock the hidden potential within each child, allowing them to grow into individuals who can confidently face life’s challenges and contribute meaningfully to both our community and the wider world.
Mr Casimir Douglas
Monday 16th September, 2024
Grace to you and peace.
This past Thursday (12th September) afternoon, students from Grade 5/6 More played the roles of live radio hosts at City Park Radio, as part of the School's Out program!
The students prepared and produced a live 30 minute radio program, which included: sharing about the Arcade Games that they created, reporting on the events of Gala Day in Term 2, the school Book Week celebrations, DJ'ing their favourite songs, and interviewing their School Principal, Mr Douglas, by asking all the hard-hitting questions!
Thank you very much to Ms Jessica McLauchlan for her support, drive, and leadership of this initiative!
Our fortnightly Gospel Values Awards process provides for the nomination and presentation of the Gospel Value Awards for those students who demonstrate, live out, and exemplify the school's Gospel values. For the month of August, the school community is focused on the Gospel value of DIGNITY. Our Gospel Values: Head, Heart & Hands Framework, reminds our students that to show the value of DIGNITY is to be myself, do my best, be proud.
The following students will receive a Gospel Value Award at our School Assembly this coming Monday (23rd September), as nominated by their class teacher for exemplifying the Gospel value of DIGNITY:
Term 3 - Week 9, 2024
Florence Mattern
Florence, you always strive to be the best version of yourself. You are kind to others and have such a big and caring heart. Thank you for all the joy you bring into the Prep M classroom!
Prep More
Ruby Murfet
You live the Gospel Value of dignity when you treat everyone in the classroom with kindness and respect because you are willing to listen to and value others’ points of view.
Prep Thomas
Olivia Pooley
For the effort and positive attitude she shows towards all her learning activities at school. Olivia is an amazing role model for our class in the way that she works with others and shows compassion for those who need her help. Amazing work, Olivia!
Grade 1/2 More
Connor Wrankmore
Connor demonstrates the Gospel Value of Dignity through his kind and considerate interactions with classmates, teachers, and staff. He consistently values and understands the worth of everyone he greets.
Grade 1/2 Saint
Hugh Anderson
Hugh has demonstrated that he always strives to do his best, and he is proud of his efforts, especially in Mathematics, which is the true definition of our Gospel Value "Dignity." Being Yourself, Doing your Best and Being Proud! He is beaming with pride, and so too are we! Great work, Hugh!
Grade 1/2 Thomas
Jack Taylor
For being a thoughtful and kind friend to your classmates. For always showing beautiful manners and being respectful to those around you. You can be relied upon for doing the right thing and upholding our Gospel values with integrity. Keep up the great work Jack.
Grade 3/4 More
Gemma Richardson
For demonstrating excellent sportspersonship at the recent Athletics Carnival. Gemma consistently displays respect, dignity and kindness towards her peers.
Grade 3/4 Saint
Archie Smith
For his positive attitude and putting his best efforts into his learning tasks this week. Well done Archie!
Grade 3/4 Thomas
Audrey Beeson
Audrey shows the Gospel Value of Dignity in the way she treats every person with kindness and fairness, showing that she values her peers. Keep shining your light Audrey!
Grade 5/6 More
Tilly Maney
Tilly is a hardworking and dedicated student. She consistently carries herself with dignity, treating everyone around her respectfully and kindly. Tilly's positive attitude is truly commendable. She sets an excellent example for her peers, always striving to do her best and encouraging others to do the same.
Grade 5/6 Saint
Dustin Graham
For demonstrating great self confidence, always putting in his best effort, and celebrating his classmates' achievements before his own.
Grade 5/6 Thomas
These students will also attend the Principal’s Morning Tea on Tuesday 24th September in the Josephite Hall during the second break at 1:30pm.
This Wednesday (18th September) at the Door of Hope Conference Centre, our School Choir performed in Singfest. Singfest is a choral celebration of the gifted singers in the Primary Schools of Northern Tasmania. It was held across two nights, and in addition to each school giving a performance, they united for one 'all together' song each night.
Our School Choir had been preparing for months to perform at the event. And I must congratulate the students on the exemplary manner in which they represented our school. Ms Cornish was blown away by the combined choir's powerful performance of The Greatest Show from the film, The Greatest Showman, which was a wonderful way to open the event!
I must express my sincere gratitude for the organisation and leadership of our Music Teacher, and Choir Teacher, Mrs Natalie Zegveld for her preparation of our students for their performance. As a huge fan of the rock genre, I was thrilled to see that Mrs Zegveld also conducted the combined choir for a rendition of Birds of Tokyo's Unbreakable! An image from the spectacular display is pictured below!
Last Thursday, students from St Thomas More's, Larmenier, and Sacred Heart School Ulverstone came together to participate in the annual Write a Book in a Day competition. This exciting, nationwide event offers participants the chance to collaborate, flex their creativity, and compete for fantastic prizes—all while aiming to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer.
Teams of about five to seven participants were challenged to write and illustrate an entire book in just one day, based on unique story parameters assigned specifically for their chosen writing day. The energy in the room was electric, with students combining their strengths, overcoming challenges, and working with great focus and enthusiasm.
The competition fosters both creativity and teamwork, with all books submitted being made available for free to children in hospitals around Australia. Beyond the fun and collaboration, students knew they were competing to impress the talented judging panel. Prizes are awarded for categories like ‘Best Overall Book’ and ‘Best Illustrations,’ both at the state and national levels.
The collaboration between St Thomas More's, Larmenier, and Sacred Heart schools truly highlighted the extraordinary creativity of our young writers. It was a remarkable day of thoughtful conversations, resilience, and teamwork—an inspiring display of talent and perseverance.
May the grace of Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
God bless,
Mr Casimir Douglas
Congratulations to Harvey Claxton, Ellie Pike, Jesse Cartledge, Thomas Beeson, Charli Richmond, Beau Lewis, Eli Davis-Rattray, Kip Cruse and Elenaor Viney who have received 25 St Thomas More's sticker rewards for their positive contributions to our school.
Congratulations to Isla Elliott, Blake Stocks, Nina Rooney, Mikey Burgess and Braxton Bonner who have received 50 St Thomas More's sticker rewards for their positive contributions to our school.
Term 4 - Commencement Date & Summer Uniform
A reminder that Term 4 commences on Tuesday, 15th October 2024.
Students will commence Term 4 in summer uniform.
School hats are required as of this date.
Notification if NOT returning in 2025.
If your child/children will not be returning to St Thomas More's Catholic School in 2025, could you please notify the school via email: Please also note that 10 weeks notice is required under the Terms of Enrolment.
Our Lost Property is overflowing with named and unnamed items. If your child has lost any of their uniform please come and check in the Lost Property to see if you can find their belongings.
The Importance of Accurate Assessment:
Issues with Misdiagnosis, Dual Diagnoses, and Missed Diagnosis for Gifted Students
Dr Edward R. Amend
Misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis of gifted individuals result in a mismatch between a gifted student’s educational needs and the perception of those needs by others. This mismatch occurs when professionals mistakenly view specific characteristics of gifted individuals as signs of pathology, when gifted strengths obscure weaknesses, or when problematic behaviors are minimized because one is gifted. This session will cover misdiagnosis, missed diagnoses, and their impact on gifted students’ growth and development as well as implications of giftedness and diagnosis.
Edward R. Amend, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist at The Amend Group in Lexington, KY, focuses on the social, emotional, and educational needs of gifted, twice-exceptional, and neurodivergent youth, adults, and their families. Dr. Amend is co-author of the revised edition of A Parent's Guide to Gifted Children: A Resource for Caregivers and Advocates, as well as other award-winning books, chapters, and articles about gifted children. He presents nationally and internationally, and his service has included various leadership roles with NAGC, SENG, KAGE, and The G WORD film’s Advisory Board.
10am, Saturday 21st September 2024
Online Delivery
Those registered will be emailed a link and instructions a few days before the event.
Current TAG financial members – Free
Non-members - $25
Book your place at